
Why We’re Different

Team Image 2014 webThe Parker Layrisson Law Firm is not a general law practice open to accepting all types of cases. We do not handle every area of law. We don’t claim to, don’t want to, and don’t need to. Instead of spreading our resources among a wide variety of practice areas, we focus our attention on only a few types of cases.  Auto accident personal injury is our firm’s primary practice (approximately 75% of our caseload as of this writing). We limit our auto accident caseload to serious injury and wrongful death matters, and that is good for you. We work hard to “go the extra mile” for our clients. Whether it’s providing satellite offices in downtown New Orleans and Baton Rouge for client convenience, investing in state-of-the-art technology, or mailing our clients postcards with free legal tips every month, we go above and beyond expectations to provide incredible value to our clients.

The Parker Layrisson Law Firm differs from other auto accident firms in that we do not rely on a high volume bulk practice. We do not advertise on TV, radio, or in the Yellow Pages. Nearly 90% of our cases come by referrals from former clients, doctors, lawyers, and other contacts who trust us to help based on our experience, qualifications, and reputation. We are not a “chop-shop” or “mill” that turns over hundreds of injury cases every year. In fact, we decline more cases than we accept. We value quality over  quantity in our caseload, and we look for clients who do the same when choosing an attorney.

By handling fewer cases and focusing on auto accident personal injury, we can allocate more resources to your case. If the Parker Layrisson Law Firm accepts your case, our experienced team will handle your matter from start to finish.  We will not pawn you off to inexperienced assistants or associates. We will dedicate extensive resources to your case, and it will show.  Our team delivers excellent client care by aggressively representing injury victims and keeping them informed with prompt, thorough communications. At all times, our law firm maintains the highest standards of professional excellence and ethics. Our team includes experienced auto accident attorneys and professional support staff.

Our focus is simple but important: Helping Auto Accident Personal Injury Victims. Instead of badgering potential clients with high pressure sales techniques and “your pain is my gain” advertising, we offer accident victims free information you can review in the privacy of your home at your own pace by providing free consumer guides, newsletters, articles, and other resources via mail and the internet. We prefer clients who are as careful in their selection process as we are.

Most importantly, we focus on the “relationship” part of the attorney-client relationship. That means we don’t drop clients when their case ends and ignore them forever after. Rather, we stay in touch, and we continue to offer them value through our free VIP program which provides monthly legal tips, quarterly newsletters packed with helpful information, and much more. Relationships require hard work, commitment, and patience. Our clients deserve nothing less.

If you would like more information about your auto accident personal injury case, contact us at 985-467-9525.  Our attorney and staff help people like you every day, and we welcome your call.

Parker Layrisson Law Firm

Parker Layrisson Law Firm

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