
Parker Layrisson Judges Tulane Law School Moot Court Competition

Ponchatoula attorney and Tulane alumni Parker Layrisson recently served as a judge for the 2011 Tulane Law School Mardi Gras Sports Law Invitational, a moot court competition in which law student teams from across the county compete at the United States District Courthouse in New Orleans.

“I was honored to judge this competition and I was impressed with the caliber of law students I saw compete,” said Layrisson.

During moot court competitions, law students take part in simulated appellate court proceedings, including drafting briefs and oral arguments. This year’s mock court case involved the legality of gambling on college and major league sports teams.

The annual competition, held on March 3, 2011, was hosted by the Tulane Moot Court Board and the Tulane Sports Lawyers’ Journal and is the largest and most prestigious appellate sports law competition in the country.

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