
Parker Layrisson Elected Southeast Spouse Abuse Program Officer

Ponchatoula Chief of Police Bry Layrisson and local attorneys Parker Layrisson and Talya Bergeron were elected officers for the Southeast Spouse Abuse Program (SSAP). SSAP is a private, nonprofit organization designed to assist survivors of domestic violence and their dependent children in Livingston, St. Helena, Tangipahoa and Washington Parishes.

Bry Layrisson is president, Parker Layrisson is vice president/treasurer, and Bergeron is secretary.

SSAP seeks to promote social change by providing services that empower battered and abused individuals and their dependent children to achieve safe, violence-free lives. The program also focuses on partnering with the community by providing information and education geared toward the elimination of domestic violence, the achievement of peace in relationships and the establishment of a system to hold perpetrators accountable.

Photo: The newly elected Southeast Spouse Abuse Program Officers (from left): Vice-President/Treasurer Parker Layrisson, Secretary Talya Bergeron, and President Bry Layrisson.

Some of SSAP’s services include a 24-hour crisis line, community resource referrals, short-term counseling and peer support group meetings, housing opportunities, assistance with protective orders and legal issues, community education and training, and temporary shelter arrangements.

Bry Layrisson is the Chief of Police for the city of Ponchatoula, an office he has held since 2008. Parker Layrisson is an attorney at Layrisson Law Firm in Ponchatoula, focusing on auto accidents, DWI defense and other litigation. Bergeron is a family law attorney with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, which provides free legal aid for low-income people.

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