
Cases We Do Not Accept

StopSignDue to the high volume of calls from potential clients and referrals from former  clients and other attorneys that our law firm receives, we have found that the only way to provide exceptional personal service to the clients we accept is to decline those cases that do not meet our strict selection criteria. Therefore, we generally do not accept the following types of cases auto accident:

• Cases with automobile property damage but no injuries.

• Cases with no medical evidence of injury. Sorry, but if you have not or will  not treat with a health care provider that can verify you were injured by the accident, then we will not accept your case.  Insurance companies don’t pay much for cases without objective evidence of injury. There may be plenty of lawyers who take those cases, but we do not.

• Cases with less than $3,000 of “hard damages.” Your case must have at least $3,000 in past and future medical bills before we will consider accepting it. We would like to represent everyone who needs a good attorney, but we cannot. So, the combined total of your past and future medical bills must exceed $3,000. If you have a question about whether your future medicals will likely reach $3,000, contact us and we can help you figure it out.

• Cases where the one-year prescriptive period (i.e., statute of limitations) will soon run. We require at least three months to adequately investigate and evaluate your claim before the prescriptive deadline arrives, so we only consult with potential clients within nine months of the accident. We do not allow a potential client’s delay or procrastination to become our last-minute crisis.

• Cases involving people who have had several accident claims in the near past. Many jurors and some judges tend to look dimly on claimants who have a significant accident history. It may not be fair, but it’s a reality so we avoid representing “frequent filers.”

• Cases where the police who investigated the accident charged you. We know that the police can be wrong; but if, after interviewing the witnesses and evaluating the scene of the accident, the policeman gave you a ticket and not the other driver, then we typically will not represent you.

• Cases where you were in at fault in the accident. If there is any substantial evidence that your injury is in any way your fault, then we will not accept your case.

• Cases where another attorney has already filed your claim or lawsuit. At the Parker Layrisson Law Firm, we handle cases our own way. If another lawyer has already filed your claim or lawsuit, that’s fine, but it means we will not handle the matter. We handle cases from beginning to end, but we do not take  over midway through the process for other lawyers.  Please choose us first, or not at all.

If you would like to know more about our firm or your auto accident personal injury case, contact our team at 985-467-9525.  Our attorney and staff help people like you every day, and we welcome your call.

Parker Layrisson Law Firm

Parker Layrisson Law Firm

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