
Local Students Receive Parker Layrisson Law Firm Frisbees

Firm FrisbeesIndependence Elementary School students thank Parker Layrisson for his donation of Frisbees as rewards to students with excellent behavior. On Aug. 26, 2011, 150 Frisbees were given to the students as part of the school’s PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) plan. Third and fourth grade students who received 10 or more reward coins for following the school’s FISH philosophy received a free Frisbee. The Frisbees will continue to be used as rewards throughout the year.

Students pictured are (front row, left to right): Madison Smith, Joshua Reyes, Kristy Alvarez, Fredrick Allen, and Shamitha Thumma. (Back row left to right): Brynette Cooper, Gisselle Montoya, Markendrick Andrews, and Coy Baham.

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